Whisper Bouquet, Purple, Artificial Flowers
The Whisper Artificial Bouquet by Bloomingville is due to the muted purples and greens like a secret spoken softly against the twilight sky. It's an intimate arrangement that seems to tell a story of quiet moments and gentle beauty. Like a whisper it implies a sense of tranquility and quietness, much like the hushed atmosphere during twilight when the world seems to slow down and speak in hushed tones. Trim and shape the stems before use to bring out the natural look of the bouquet and adapt them to your personal decor. Paper wrapped. Vase not included.
D30xH80 cm
€ 67,90
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About the product | The Whisper Artificial Bouquet by Bloomingville is due to the muted purples and greens like a secret spoken softly against the twilight sky. It's an intimate arrangement that seems to tell a story of quiet moments and gentle beauty. Like a whisper it implies a sense of tranquility and quietness, much like the hushed atmosphere during twilight when the world seems to slow down and speak in hushed tones. Trim and shape the stems before use to bring out the natural look of the bouquet and adapt them to your personal decor. Paper wrapped. Vase not included. |
Colour | Purple |
Main Material | Artificial Flowers |
Composition | PE(Polyethylene), Iron, Polyester |
Other Specifications | Although effort has been put into securing that the metal wire for the stem has been sealed, it is not guaranteed. If the metal wire is exposed to water, it can rust and leave a stain inside the bottom of a vase, regardless of material. |
Product Finish | Handle with care to avoid breakage of the leaves/flowerheads. Before use, the stems/bouquets must be trimmed and folded into place |
EAN Code | 5711173335022 |
Sales Text-DA | Whisper Kunstig Buket fra Bloomingville er med sine afdæmpede lilla og grønne farver, som en hemmelighed sagt sagte mod skumringshimlen. Det er et forfinet arrangement, der synes at fortælle en historie om stille øjeblikke og blid skønhed. Som en hvisken indebærer det en følelse af ro og stilhed, ligesom den dæmpede atmosfære under tusmørket, når verden ser ud til at bremse og tale i dæmpede toner. Før brug kan du med fordel forme stilkene, for at frembringe bukettens naturlige udseende og tilpasse dem til din personlige indretning. Leveres i papir. Vase er ikke inkluderet. |
Sales Text-DE | Whisper Bouquet de Fleurs Artificielle de Bloomingville est dû aux pourpres et verts atténués comme un secret murmuré doucement contre le ciel crépusculaire. C'est un arrangement intime qui semble raconter une histoire de moments calmes et de beauté douce. Comme un chuchotement, il implique un sentiment de tranquillité et de silence, tout comme l'atmosphère feutrée pendant le crépuscule lorsque le monde semble ralentir et parler à voix basse. Taillez et façonnez les tiges avant utilisation pour mettre en valeur l'aspect naturel du bouquet et les adapter à votre décoration personnelle. Enveloppé de papier. Vase non inclus. |
Sales Text-EN | The Whisper Artificial Bouquet by Bloomingville is due to the muted purples and greens like a secret spoken softly against the twilight sky. It's an intimate arrangement that seems to tell a story of quiet moments and gentle beauty. Like a whisper it implies a sense of tranquility and quietness, much like the hushed atmosphere during twilight when the world seems to slow down and speak in hushed tones. Trim and shape the stems before use to bring out the natural look of the bouquet and adapt them to your personal decor. Paper wrapped. Vase not included. |
Sales Text-FR | Whisper Künstlich Blumenstrauß von Bloomingville erinnert durch die gedämpften Purpurtöne und Grüntöne an ein leise gesprochenes Geheimnis gegen den Abendhimmel. Es ist eine intime Anordnung, die eine Geschichte ruhiger Momente und sanfter Schönheit zu erzählen scheint. Wie ein Flüstern deutet es auf ein Gefühl von Ruhe und Stille hin, ähnlich der gedämpften Atmosphäre während der Dämmerung, wenn die Welt langsamer wird und in gedämpften Tönen spricht. Schneiden und formen Sie die Stiele vor dem Gebrauch, um das natürliche Aussehen des Bouquets hervorzuheben und passen Sie sie an Ihre persönliche Dekoration an. In Papier eingewickelt. Vase nicht enthalten. |
Product dimension | D30xH80 cm |
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